
Use The Window

Scrolling through a Window
Sometimes, a window is too small to display all its contents. In such a situation, windows XP display a vertical bar scroll bar and a horizontal scroll bar to enable you to scroll through and view the contents of the window. Scrolling refers to navigating arrow the contents of the window from top to bottom or left to right.
The small triangular arrow at either end of a scroll bar is called 
the scroll arrow.
To scroll through the contents of a window, click on the scroll arrow to scroll through the window in small increments.

Moving a Window
Sometimes, a window may overlap with another window or hide apart of the desktop that you want to see. In such a case, you can move the window to different location on the desktop. To move a window, click anywhere on its title bar, and drag it to the location where you want to place it.
Maximizing a Window
You want to view the components of a window in full-screen mode, click the Maximize buttonto maximize it. When you maximise a window, it resizes to occupy the whole screen. The Maximize button acts as a toggle switch between a smaller size and full-screen size.

Minimizing a window
In window XP, you can have many a window open at the same time. If you want to stop working in a window temporarily, you can minimize it by clicking the minimize button on the title bar. When you minimize a window, it reduces to a button on the taskbar. You can restore the window by clicking that button on the taskbar.

Resizing a Window
You can resize a window to increase or decrease itssize.
To resize a window:
1. Point to one of the edges of the window. 
    The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. The arrow could turn to
    one of four arrows, depending  on the side or edge being resized.
 2. Drag the pointer upward or downward. Depending on the direction you drag, the size of the 
      window will increase or decrease.


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