
Showing posts with label notepad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label notepad. Show all posts

How To Using Applications in Windows

Windows XP offers a set of utility programs, or applications, that are used to perform specirfi tasks. Examples of these programs include Notebook, Calculator and adte and Time properties. There are also applications you install separately, such as Microsoft Excel.
Starting an application
You can start an application in windows by using the All Programs submenu or the Run command on the Start menu.

Using the programs menu
Installed programs in windows XP are accessed easily using All Programs on the Start menu. There is an application called  notepad that can be used to create and edit text files. The text files created in notepad have a .text extension.
To start Notepad by using the All Programs menu , Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and the click notepad.

Using the Run Command
The Run command on the start menu can also be used to start a program or open a file.
To open an application, the Notepad application        .         
 1. On the start menu, click Run. The run dialog box appears.
 2. Type the name of the programs in the open box.

Using Calculator
The Calculator programs in windows XP is similar to a handheld calculator. You can use programs to perform basic arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction, as well as scientific and statistical operations, such as computering averages, logarithms and factorials.
To start Calculator, click Start , point to All programs, point to Accessories, and then click Calculator.
Calculator appears.

Working With The Task Manager

When you open multiple applications in windows XP, your computer may slow  down. As a result, it may not respond to some of the application you are worling with. To handle such unexpected events, you can use the windows task manager. The windows task manager contains, information about the performance of your computer. It displays the list of tasks that are currently running.

To open Windows task Manager:
    1. Press CTRL+DELETE. The Windows dialog box appears
    2. Click Task Manager. The Windows Task Manager dialog box appears. The Applications 
         tab displayed by default.  On the Applications tab, the list of currently running tasks     
         appears. The status of the task is displayed next to the task name
     3. You can end a task, switch to another task, or start a new task.
   a)   To end a task, Click the task And then click End Tasks.
   b)   To switch to different from the active task, click the task you want, and then click switch to.
   c)   To create a new task ,click new task . The create New Task dialog box appears. This 
          dialog box is similar to the Run dialog box. Type the name of the application to be 
          opened in the Open box, and then click OK.

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