
Showing posts with label hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hardware. Show all posts


A computer has various parts and each part performs a specific function. In this chapter, you will learn about some of the important parts of computers and their functions. Some important parts of the computer are shown in Figure. A computer system  unit,often simply called a box, consists of various internet such as motherboard,video card and sound card. Typical external  componets attached to a computer include monitor,keyboard,mouse and printer.Connecting the PCThe followinh points will help you to understand how these parts are connected to each other through cables.§    The system  unit is connected to power supply.
§    The monitor is connected to the system unit and to the power supply. Some monitors draw power directly from the system unit.
§    The keyboraed is connected to the system unit.
§    The mouse is connectedto the system unit.
§    The printer is connected  to the system unit and to the power supply.
§    Other hardware devices, such as scanners and speakers are connected to the system unit and to the power supply.
The Input-Process-Output CycleAny activity, whether simple or comple, follows the basic principle of input-process. For example, consider the simpletask of making tea. The task requires tes leaves, water, sugar and milk as the input. The process includes boiling water,brewing tea leaves, straining and adding milk and sugar. The hot cup of tea that results at the end of the process is the output. Computer also work on the input-process-output principle. Input refers to the data and instructions given to the computer. Process refers towhat the computer does with the data. Output refers to the result of the process. For example, you want the computer to do a simple calculation; the multiplication of tow number 46 and 29. you must first provide the input and specify the process. Here, number 45 and 29 are the input and multiplication is the process. The computer performs the multiplication process on the given inputs. This process results in 1105 as the ouput.

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