
Showing posts with label hard disk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hard disk. Show all posts

Terms To Remember

·     Bad sectors are unreadable areas on the disk.
·    Cut or cpied text and graphics are stored in the Clipboard brfore being moved to another location.
·    Compressing a file reduces its size and makes transporting between two users easier.
·    Default refers to a predetermined value used by a program when the user does not specify the value. Default setting are ones predetermined by the program and not set by the user.
·    Extension refer to the second part of the filename, which identifies the type or family of the file.
·    File are computerized document that store information in different forms, such as text and pictures.
·    Formatting means dividing a disk into sectors so the disk can store data.
·    My computer displays the contents of the floppy disk drive, the hard disk drive, the CD-ROM drive and the drives on the network.
·    Partitioning eans sections a part of the hard idsk for storage space.
·    Primary name is the first part of a file name. It is the  name by which a file is identified.
·    Changing the names of file or folders is called Renaming.
·    Shortcuts are pointers to a file or folder stored on a hard disk, CD-ROM or floppy.
·    Folder within a folder is called a Sunfolder.
·    Progarms often create .tmp file, or files that are temporarily used for a purpose. These file may accumulate and take up disk space. They should be deleted regularly.
·    Wildcard characters include? and *. They are used to seaech for files when you do not know all of the charachard disk drive
·    Windown Explorer allows you to view the contents of your computer in hierarchical also allows you manage and manipulate the contents of your computer.
          Worksheet are files create in Excel.


Computer storage refers to the data stored in an electromagnetic form to be used by the processor. You can measure the amount of data stored on a computer just as you can measure the amount of ater in container, although measurement units are different, of course. The storage capacity defines the amount of data that can be stored on a storage device.
Computer Data
A computer stores a variety of data and information in its memory,including numbers (0-9), letters (A-Z) and symbols and other characters (#,{},. ‘ ~ ^). A computer uses the binary system to represent these characters. In a binary system, only two digits, 0 and 1, are used. The 0s and 1s in the binary system are known as bits (binary digits). A bit is the smallest unit of measurement of storage capacity. A set of eight bits is called a byte.

Kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes are higher  units for mrasureing the capacity of a storage of a storage device.

8 bits                             = 1 byte

1024 bytes                    = 1 kilobyte(KB)

1024 KB                       = 1 megabyte (MB)

1024 MB                      = 1 gigabyte (GB)
1024 GB                       = 1 terabyte (TB)
Internet S
Computers use two types of storage: external storage and internal storage. External storage is explained in the  next section. The internal  storage, also called primary storage is the main memory. It stores data and instructions for processing .it also stores the output data temporarily before it is sent to an appropriate output device. The act of retrieving existintg data from memory is called reading out or simiply reading. The process of storing data in memory is called reading  in or writing.
There are two types of internet storage:
1. Random Access Memory (RAM)
2. Read Only Memory (ROM).

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