
Benefits and Limitations of Copmputers

The benefits of computers to education include higher education satisfaction and higher learning outcomes. Navertheless, computers can truly be beneficial only if users are able to provide accurate and adequate input.Benefits of ComputersSome of the benefits of computers. High speed§ Computers have the ability to perform routine tasks at a greater speed than human beings.They can perform complex calculations in seconds.Teachers can use computers to prepare make lists quickly,instead of preparing them manually.
§  Accuracy
When a task is performed manually, there is always a possibility of human error.Computers can be used to perform tasks in a way that ensures accuracy.      However, if the input given to the computer is incorrect, the output will also be incorrect.    Storage§ Computers can store large amounts of information. After the information is stored, it can be retrieved as can ues computers to store the details of all the students in the school. You can use the information to perform different kinds of analyses. For example, you might want to track the correlation between your students’ performance and the educational backgrounds of their Parents.
§ Automation
Computers can be indtructed to perform complex tasks automatically. Example ,you want to generate a report showing the average performance of all your student during the previous year, you can use a computer to accomplish this efficiently. Automation canincrease your productivity.§ Diligence
Computers can perform the same task repeatedly and with the same accuracy, without getting tried.§Versatility
Computers can be used to perform both simple and complex task.§ Cost effecitiveness
Computers reduce the amount of paperwork and human effort, thereby reducing costs 


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