
Using Windowns Explorer To view the File Structure

Windown Explorer displays the contents of the entire system in hierarchical structure. To open windown explorer, click Start, point to All Programs, points to Accessories, and then click Windown Explorer.
                   Windowns Explorer is divided into two panes. The left pane contains a list of drives and folders on your computer. The right pane displays the contents of the selected drive or folder. By using these two panes, you can browser through the contents of your computer in a single windown.
                   To view the contentd of a drive, click the icon for the drive in the left pane. The list of folders in the selected drive is displayed in the left pane. Both the folders and the files in the drive are displayed in the roght pane.
                   To view the contents of a folder, click the folder icon in the left pane. When you click a folder icon, it changes to an open folder icon ,and the contents of the folder are displayed in the right pane.
                    A plus next to a folder icon indicates th presence og subfolders in that folder. Click the sign to expand the folder. The sign to a sign and the subfolders are displayed in the left pane. To display the subfolder and files in the right pane, you need to click the folder icon.
                   To open a subfolder or a file from thre right pane, double-click the corresponding

Terms to Remember

Ø    A COMPUTER is an electronic device that can perform activities that involve mathematical, logical and graphical manipulations.
Ø    DESKTOP COMPUTER are computers that are usually placed on desks or tables.
Ø    HANDHELD  computer are small portable computers designed to fit your pocket. They are typically not as powerful as desktops or notebooks.
Ø    HTML is the mani language used to create web Pages.
Ø    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is the term used to refer to the subjects related to creating,managing,processing and exchanging information.
Ø    The INTERNET is an interconnection of thousands of computers across the globe.
Ø    LAPTOP COMPUTER are small portable computers weighing a few kilograms. Modern laotop are often called notebook computer.
Ø    LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY or lcd, is a ty[e of display used for laptop an d notebook computer and also in digital watches.
Ø    A MULTIMEDIA PROGRAM is a program  that uses a combaination of text,graphics, sound and video.
Ø    A NEWSGROUP is an online discussion forum where the user can post and view messages.
Ø    A PERSONAL COMPUTER is a computer designed to be user by one individual at a time.
Ø    A PRORAM is a set of instructions that enables a computer to perform a given task.
Ø    A TABLET PC is a type of notebook computer that allows the user to task notes on the screen using a special pen.
Ø    A UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR, or url, is the global address of documents and other resources on the web.
Ø    The term WEB LINK refers to a uniform Resource locator5(URL).
Ø    A WEB PAGE is a document on the world wide web.
Ø    A WB SITE is a location on the world wide web.
Ø    The WORLD WIDE WEB  is a system of servers on the internet that supports documents formatted in Hypertext Markup Language()HTML.

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