
Showing posts with label gk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gk. Show all posts

Terms to Remember

Ø    A COMPUTER is an electronic device that can perform activities that involve mathematical, logical and graphical manipulations.
Ø    DESKTOP COMPUTER are computers that are usually placed on desks or tables.
Ø    HANDHELD  computer are small portable computers designed to fit your pocket. They are typically not as powerful as desktops or notebooks.
Ø    HTML is the mani language used to create web Pages.
Ø    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is the term used to refer to the subjects related to creating,managing,processing and exchanging information.
Ø    The INTERNET is an interconnection of thousands of computers across the globe.
Ø    LAPTOP COMPUTER are small portable computers weighing a few kilograms. Modern laotop are often called notebook computer.
Ø    LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY or lcd, is a ty[e of display used for laptop an d notebook computer and also in digital watches.
Ø    A MULTIMEDIA PROGRAM is a program  that uses a combaination of text,graphics, sound and video.
Ø    A NEWSGROUP is an online discussion forum where the user can post and view messages.
Ø    A PERSONAL COMPUTER is a computer designed to be user by one individual at a time.
Ø    A PRORAM is a set of instructions that enables a computer to perform a given task.
Ø    A TABLET PC is a type of notebook computer that allows the user to task notes on the screen using a special pen.
Ø    A UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR, or url, is the global address of documents and other resources on the web.
Ø    The term WEB LINK refers to a uniform Resource locator5(URL).
Ø    A WEB PAGE is a document on the world wide web.
Ø    A WB SITE is a location on the world wide web.
Ø    The WORLD WIDE WEB  is a system of servers on the internet that supports documents formatted in Hypertext Markup Language()HTML.

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